Category: agile development

  • Lean UX Running Workshops and getting results

    Lean UX Running Workshops and getting results User Experience, Design and Software Development rarely get along. Design wants to create gorgeous looking portfolio pieces, User Experience wants the pathways through the system to be crystal clear for its users, and Developers either want to shoehorn a solution into a CMS or toolkit they already have,…

  • Subversion and branching strategies

    What is Subversion Subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to SVN in reference to the name of its command line interface. Subversion boasts many advanced features, such as atomic commits, versioned directories, and good support for binary file formats, fast branching and tagging. The open source Apache…

  • Sky Travel Website

    Back at the start of the year my team  launched the  Sky Travel site .  Since then it has changed  a lot and has a number of roll-outs planned to the end of the year.  Its got a great design and  some excellent  JavaScript work using JQuery.  Well worth a look if your planning a…

  • Ruby on Rails

    Not having the time to code in Java as i once did, i thought that i decided that it was about time to have a go at a new language.  I selected Ruby and the Rails framework as i had enjoyed the debate i had at QCon and felt that it would help me understand…

  • QCon day 5 – Ruby panel discussion

    After a number of comments around the conference regarding the near fanatical religious nature of the guys on the Ruby stream, i had to attend. I was not disappointed. If you broke the panel down into individuals i believe you would get a very balanced discussion around the sessions subject, When is Rails an appropriate…

  • QCon day 4 – Kent Beck on Effective Design

    Another excellent talk in which Kent provided his latest views on how he thinks problems should be solved from the design point of view. He started by following on from his keynote, pushing that we must design with people in mind; design for the skills of your availoble developers. The talk built up to five…

  • QCon day 2 – The Zen of Agile Management

    I was not quite sure what to pick today, after almost going for Java Performance i opted for the Agile route. The session was not quite what i expected from the title or excerpt, but still very enjoyable. David Anderson came at agile almost from the standpoint of standard problem software projects. He looked at…