We all know that mobile is big business, so I thought I would jot down a few of the statistics and information that I have picked up through the later months of 2010:
NOMOBS: Normal mobile users I.e. not a Smartphone (although I’ve only seen this used once, but I quite liked it)
- 75 % of mobile users do not use apps
- 41 % of mobile uses use search on mobile
- 34 % of mobile users use the web, mobile is all about email and social networking as much as content consumption, it’s allvery personal.
- 25 % of European users have a smartphone
- In Europe 7 % of users are on unlimited data tariffs; in the USA this is 26%.
- Mobile browser use is expected to experience 25 % year on year growth. Last year 15 million in across Europe.
- Nokia is still a big player having 36 %market share. They also account for 30 % of mobile media compared to 13 % on the Apple IPhone. So ignoring Nokia means you missing a large portion of users.
As you’d expect the hot areas for growth is social networking, which is experiencing 100 % year on year growth. And the old SMS
old content industry is not growing in real terms. Although it is worth noting that SMS receives around a 14 % coupon take when used.
Most popular apps maps, social networking and weather, then search and news (USA and UK).
The Younger audience are the most active on social networking, with the older more into information access, email and apps. A likely consequence of how they have grown up with work!
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) relevance is getting more and more use (FourSquare, Gowalla, Google and Facebook) and is seen as a key to success, but privacy laws can get in the way.
When thinking of creating mobile offerings analyse your site functions that are mobile friendly, deploy, advertise and measure i.e. engage with mobile where you can do it well.
Note: most details are from Comscore