Month: September 2009

  • BlackBerry QuickKeys and Shortcuts

    Every Day Quick Tips Alt+O = Outbox (sent items) Alt+I = Inbox (received items) Alt+U = Marks messages as read/unread Alt+P = Phone call log Alt+S = SMS messages Alt+V = Voicemail messages Alt+M = MMS messages. U – to cycle through unread messages Once inside the message and you need to: Reply, r. Forward,…

  • How to repair a VMWare Virtual Disk on OSX

    If your having an issue with your virtual disk it is worth trying the following: Open a Terminal window /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/vmware-vdiskmanager -R /Users/(USERNAME_HERE or Directory where VM installed)/Virtual Machines.localized/Windows Vista.vmwarevm/Windows Vista.vmdk If this fails with a message like ‘FILE: FileIO_Lock on ‘/Users/Shared/Virtual Machines.localized/Windows Vista.vmwarevm/Windows Vista.vmdk’ failed: Lock timed out’ then: cd /Users/(USERNAME_HERE or Directory…