Category: facebook

  • Is Social Networking really social?

    Here are a few thoughts on social networking (mainly directed at Facebook). The Issues: Collecting friends becomes a habit The collection can become little more than an online status symbol If this happens are these people really your friends? You just opened up your world and made it ‘ privacy invasive’, you’d likely never dream…

  • Facebook – Finding the owner of lost things

    Yesturday I found a company pass in the street.  It had a name and a picture on it so I typed in the name to Google, found a facebook page and sent a message.  Owner and pass reunited.  The joy of tech.  Also I feel more warmly towards facebook,  as Ive found a use.  I…

  • Facebook, i just don’t see the point

    I have tried and tried, but, i just can’t come to grips with facebook. The only functionality i like to use is the quick updates from my blackberry, but apart from that nothing. I find the fact that my photos are held in limbo annoying, to the point at which i won’t upload and poke,…

  • Chirp Chirp – Social Network Aggregation

    I like simple ideas and Chirp is one of them. We all have an ever growing list of social network sites and Chirp aims to bring these together in one place. The thing I like about the idea is it’s a screen saver. I think this is smarter than trying to be a web page…

  • Open Soicial on Facebook?

    A New Facebook application that appears to make Facebook an OpenSocial container. Could this be the beginning of a guerilla attempt to lure Facebook into OpenSocial? — see full post at oreilly radar.

  • Google and Open Social

    The success of Facebook looks to have ruffled a few feathers at Google and they have recently launch OpenSocial. this is a set of three common APIs, that will allow developers to access core functions and information from a social network: Profile Information (user data) Friends Information (social graph) Activities (things that happen, News Feed…