How do i delete SVN folders?
When deploying websites, all SVN folders should be deleted, but SVN doesn’t include any built in commands to do this. The registry hack below can do this for you – it adds “Delete SVN Folders” to the context menu for folders. When you select it, it removes all folders named .svn inside the folder and…
Flash IE6 and SSL Issues
Flash or data within flash not loading in IE6? Just change the following headers in code
Hash key on a mac keyboard osx
Having trouble finding the hash key on your Mac keyboard? hold the Alt key down and then press the number 3.
BlackBerry QuickKeys and Shortcuts
Every Day Quick Tips Alt+O = Outbox (sent items) Alt+I = Inbox (received items) Alt+U = Marks messages as read/unread Alt+P = Phone call log Alt+S = SMS messages Alt+V = Voicemail messages Alt+M = MMS messages. U – to cycle through unread messages Once inside the message and you need to: Reply, r. Forward,…
How to repair a VMWare Virtual Disk on OSX
If your having an issue with your virtual disk it is worth trying the following: Open a Terminal window /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/vmware-vdiskmanager -R /Users/(USERNAME_HERE or Directory where VM installed)/Virtual Machines.localized/Windows Vista.vmwarevm/Windows Vista.vmdk If this fails with a message like ‘FILE: FileIO_Lock on ‘/Users/Shared/Virtual Machines.localized/Windows Vista.vmwarevm/Windows Vista.vmdk’ failed: Lock timed out’ then: cd /Users/(USERNAME_HERE or Directory…
Cookie Sniffing and Trading
What does that mean? There are networks of companies who create cookies on your machine and use these to track your behaviour across multiple websites. And in English? You will see ad based content on one site based on your activity on another and you won’t even know it happened. Who invented it?…
Edit your host file OSX
1. Open up your terminal application 2. Type in “sudo pico /etc/hosts” 3. Type in your administration password 4. Use your arrow keys to maneuver the cursor and type in whatever entries you are wanting to put in your hosts file 5. Once you are done, hit Control-o 6. and then hit Control-x
How To Move OS X Time Machine Backups To A New Disk
The following has been copied form an article that can be found at ‘How To Move OS X Time Machine Backups To A New Disk‘ Turn off Time Machine with the big switch in the Time Machine System Preferences panel. Eject the old Time Machine disk, unplug it, and re-insert it to force it to…
Chinese characters appearing incorrectly in Excel when generated by an ASP.Net page
We recently launched a site that required an excel download to be generated with complex and simplified Chinese characters. In producing this we had issues presenting the Chinese – they would come out as garbage. It was strange as if you saved in notepad and re-opened in excel it would be fine, so the problem…