Month: March 2008

  • QCon day 3 – cloud computing, salesforce

    All to much about the product, gave up after 10 mins and went to the banking track.

  • QCon day 3 – Amazon web services

    I already use Jungle Disk which is the amazon S3 (simple storage service). But this talk went through the entire set of services, giving enough insight into each to provoke thought, as to potential uses. Of great interest to me was the Elastic compute cloud, allowing for fast scalability and setup, with a time, bandwidth…

  • QCon day 3 – Keynote

    I think that Eric is a good speaker and the Eclipse project is interesting,but was it worthy of a keynote slot? I say this as it ended up as more of a product pitch for Jazz, which looked good in one way, but only if you are going to base your team around it, and…

  • QCon day 2 – The Zen of Agile Management

    I was not quite sure what to pick today, after almost going for Java Performance i opted for the Agile route. The session was not quite what i expected from the title or excerpt, but still very enjoyable. David Anderson came at agile almost from the standpoint of standard problem software projects. He looked at…

  • QCon day 1 – Domain Specific Languages (DSL)

    My last five conferences had been in San Francisco, so the howling winds and buckets of rain which destroyed my umbrella did not put me in the best, or driest of moods. However, i had registered for DSL with Martin Fowler, Neal Ford and Rebecca Parsons, so i held hope. They did not disappoint, presenting…

  • Facebook, i just don’t see the point

    I have tried and tried, but, i just can’t come to grips with facebook. The only functionality i like to use is the quick updates from my blackberry, but apart from that nothing. I find the fact that my photos are held in limbo annoying, to the point at which i won’t upload and poke,…