When Bagels Turn Evil
hurt preparing a bagel 345000. that’s about the amount of people hurt in th usa. it’s pretty amazing, but those bagels can be pesky. I’m not sure, but i think the seeded ones are the leaders, with the plain ones being drones.
it’s time for chai
almost a religion, starbucks will have to be put on the next national census, our sunday quest has the following steps. 1. go to in-laws 2. eat there food 3. leave the kids 4. make a dash for freedom. my only problem is in dodging the shops on the way. i’ve watched derren brown, but…
What do you want for Christmas
I asked my 2 year old, the reply, two backpacks, one red. If only everything were so simple. Of course she managed to get multiple bags and backpacks; to be honest she could start a shop. Now we have the daily movement of items from one bag to another, which seems much like my day…