Intellij Shortcuts Key List list plugin
Shaz ,on my team, came up with this as he missed the same functionality that was available in explipse. The plugin allows you to Displays the shortcuts list with ctrl+shift+K like eclipse, or through Help->shortkcutList. Press “esc” to close the popupdialogue. Shortcuts plugin Zolpidem tartrate Keppra levetiracetam Pms diclofenac sr Effects flexeril side Ciprofloxacin use…
Internet Explorer 8 compatibility
Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) – the new version of Microsoft’s web browser – is likely to be released in the before the end of the year. This release promises to deliver greater standards support and better performance. However, with the release of any new product there is always a risk incompatibilities or bugs. The risks…
A new online CMS – Cushy CMS
CushyCMS is a fast, simple and free content management system that aims to make life easier for web designers by simplifying content management. Using CushyCMS, web designers can give content editors (for example a client) access to part, full or many pages at a granular level (headings, images, sidebars, etc), enabling them to update or…
QCon day 5 – Ruby panel discussion
After a number of comments around the conference regarding the near fanatical religious nature of the guys on the Ruby stream, i had to attend. I was not disappointed. If you broke the panel down into individuals i believe you would get a very balanced discussion around the sessions subject, When is Rails an appropriate…
QCon day 5 – how is ebay architected
Its been interesting to listen to speakers, each of which portraits the strategies and principles and this time was the turn of Randy Shoup. His four strategies for architectures for scale. Partition everything ASync everywhere Automate everything Remember everything fails Around these points he very clearly showed pattens ebay have implemented and how these directly…
QCon day 4 – A couple of ways to skin the internet cat
As expected a full energy opinionated talk on why REST together with the internet as your enterprise bus is leaps and bounds above anything vendors or WSDL and The WS-* (death star) specs have to offer
QCon day 4 – Kent Beck on Effective Design
Another excellent talk in which Kent provided his latest views on how he thinks problems should be solved from the design point of view. He started by following on from his keynote, pushing that we must design with people in mind; design for the skills of your availoble developers. The talk built up to five…
QCon day 3 – computing in the cloud panel discussion
Without a doubt the highlight of the day so far. The panel of the days presenters covered the whole spectrum of cloud computing from current position to future issues. I have five pages of notes from this so not one for my N810 or my thumbs will go dead. The key points of interest to…
QCon day 3 – yahoo pipes
I posted about pipes about a year ago and it has since increased its modules from 20 to 50 and makes up 1/3 of all mash-up calls to Google. I really need to play with it some more, it really is very cool, bringing a lot of power without the need to code and enabling…
QCon day 1 – Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
My last five conferences had been in San Francisco, so the howling winds and buckets of rain which destroyed my umbrella did not put me in the best, or driest of moods. However, i had registered for DSL with Martin Fowler, Neal Ford and Rebecca Parsons, so i held hope. They did not disappoint, presenting…